Simon bolivar nickname
Simon bolivar nickname

And so his aggressive philosophies were passed on even within democratic governments through the generations to follow until the present day.

simon bolivar nickname simon bolivar nickname

Taking in consideration that it's a basic war strategy to learn how an enemy thinks in order to overcome him, these machiavellic teachings and strategies were also studied by the enemies of these dictators (even though, in case of WWII, the 'enemies' have never known a dictatorial government). It was thought for a time flooded with wars in the apex of the Renaissance era, in a very troubled Europe! These teachings were followed and applied by great political dictators on their huge domination campaigns over the centuries, like Napoléon Bonaparte and the WWII dictators in the next century.


Machiavelli teachings were mostly known from his Magnum Opus (masterpiece) 'The Prince', which was written to orientate princes on how to win wars and claim their domain over lesser regions. The main goal beneath every debate is to overcome the adversary, instead of the strengthening, or even creation, of ideas (as any debate's goal should be). Political science nowadays is considered by some to be more conflict-oriented.

Simon bolivar nickname