This is convoluted, hard to figure out, and frustrating. I have heard that these can only be done within 10 levels of the quest’s level. These lead to an achievement, and from what I have come to understand, a 5-Star Astel. The quest does not guide you to what you’re after, and you’re meant to explore and figure it out on your own. These Blue Quests have you seeking out lore items (books) in the world. The game gives you one of these Blue Quests early on and makes it pretty easy for you to find the book you’re after. These Blue Quests serve as Exploration Quests and are the only thing that wasn’t explained in-game as far as I saw. You always have plenty to do, including Main Quests, Side Quests, Important Quests, and Blue Quests. The tutorial takes you step-by-step through each new feature as it becomes available. This will further alter how you play in Astellia‘s already robust skill system. The Class Evolution system has also been recently added, which adds three alternate classes to evolve into at level 50. In it, you pick a gender and class combination, with some minor restrictions (as of this writing). So what exactly is Astellia Online? Astellia Online is a buy-to-play MMO with a one-time fee and optional subscription. It’s important to note that you can also get Zender through participating in Avalon and the Arena (PVP). These don’t have stat buffs on them, so it’s not an issue. The only good thing to come out of this is that it’s a great way to make money, but does not make you better at the game, so this is something I can overlook. This item un-soulbinds an item, so you can put it up for auction. This is an item you can buy with Zender (loyalty currency acquired by logging in for a length of time). The closest the in-game shop has to pay-to-win is the Beeswax Token. To Astellia Online’s credit, they have kept their word so far. A ton of promises were made, but not a single one was kept. The last buy-to-play MMO was Bless Online, and it did leave a lot of players burned and disappointed. On a personal level, gender-locking doesn’t bother me, but if they want those players who might be on the fence? It could be a sound idea. This is only available to two of the classes as of this writing, with the others coming soon. The changes include removing the P2W enhancement items from the shop and changing the gender-locked classes. Barunson E&A announced not only were they going to bring Astellia to the West, but they planned on altering some features for the Western audience. Of course, that’s not counting the players who choose to play outside of Steam.It’s a hard lot for MMOs these days, and Astellia Online is no exception. In spite of the reviews, the game currently has a higher Steam playercount than the original game with a 24-hour peak of 458 players compared to Astellia’s 154. Various PvP and PvE contents spreading out in vast fields are offered, such as the breathtaking battle between three factions, dungeons, life contents(crafting, gathering).”Īstellia Royal has received “Mostly Negative” reviews on Steam because of its highly-sensitive anti-cheat system and claims of pay-to-win microtransactions. “Astellia Royal is an online MMORPG focusing on strategic battles with Astels(summoned creatures) where CCG factors are added. Failing enhancements also results in item breakage. The game offers the same features as the original game but with slight tweaks to gameplay, including the ability to summon up to two Astels without consuming AP, slower leveling progress, and longer refill times for dungeon tickets. In a surprising move, Astellia Online publisher Way2Bit launched a free-to-play version of the game on Steam last week called Astellia Royal.